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Microsoft is Optimistic for Bing

Bing is now one month old and has succeed to make a mark and to prove that it has the ability to conquer the Search Engine market. At least, Microsoft believes so.

Bing came up with some great features and commitment to provide good search results. Bing is already on its way to fulfill those commitments and has impressed a portion of internet search users.

In the early stage, Bing earned highest ever 9.21 percent of U.S. search share in first week of June but fall back to around 8.45 percent in last week of June. The hype and marketing efforts from Microsoft for Bing is still going on. Microsoft is quite optimistic about Bing and believes that Bing has the potential to conquer the Search Engine Crown. However, the fact is it still trailing behind Yahoo! (around 11 percent) and big time rival Google which is still dominating with approx. 78 percent of the U.S. search market share.

The results may give heart to Microsoft, which is investing heavily in its loss-making online services business and is refusing to cede the market to Google. At first sight, a 1 percent increase in market share does not appear to be a huge return on the investment Microsoft has made in Bing but the underlying trend appears positive," StatCounter Chief Executive Adohan Cullen said in a statement.

Considering the fact that Microsoft is still hoping to succeed in acquiring or getting tied up with Yahoo! to prove Bing a credible competitor to Google, the chances for the same seem to be quite less.

However, Steve Ballmer and Co. is very much positive on Bing and pushing all their efforts to make sure that more and more people start switching over to Bing from Google and Yahoo! The much talked $100 Million marketing investment on Bing may play a major role give Bing a considerable start.


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