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PCs are Next Target for Cyber Attacks

A South Korean security agency has said that the recent cyber attacks and web attacks on the U.S. and South Korea has got a new target and those are PCs. Cyber attacks in U.S. and South Korea could enter a new phase on Friday by attacking personal computers and wiping hard disks, a South Korean government agency and Web security firm said.

The Cyber Attackers will start a new phase from Friday after hitting the important government websites of the United States and South Korea.

The attacks targeting dozens of government and business sites in South Korea and the United States did not caused major damage or security breaches, experts said, but the KCC warned a new phase at 1500 GMT on Friday that could cause severe damage that will hit the Personal Computers and wipe out the hard disks.

"The affected computers will not be able to boot and their storage files will be disabled," said Lee Byung-cheol of Ahnlab which is a leading web Security Agency in South Korea.


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